Saturday 7th Moos (Mike Roualle) at “Beacon Rail 2024” – Tring and District MRS Exhibition, Wing (Cottesmore School), Bucks.
Monday 9th Committee meeting
Saturday 28th Tedburn St Mary at Risborough and District MRC Exhibition, Haddenham Village Hall, Banks Park Rd, Haddenham, HP17 8EE.
Saturday 5th SWHMRS Open Day and mini-Exhibition – All Saints Church Hall, Leavesden.
Saturday/Sunday 5th/6th Moos (Mike Roualle) at Folkestone, Hythe and Disrict MRC Exhibition, Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone CT20 2DZ.
Tuesday 22nd Film Night
Saturday/Sunday 2nd/3rd Moos (Mike Roualle) at Spalding Model Railway Club Exhibition, Springfields Event Centre, Camel Gate, Spalding PE12 6ET.
Wednesday 6th Committee meeting